
{8/30...a bad habit}

day eight. a bad habit. i don't know if coffee drinking is a bad habit, but the pumpkin spice latte is pretty and it looks even prettier with my iphone. which is a bad habit. i never put it down and i freak out if i don't know where it is. just ask lisa. ;)


here is the list of people doing the challenge too. check them out. leave them some love. :)


  1. I was invited to join a 30 day challenge last month and just couldn't pull it off. Now I'm inspired to give it a try! Great work!

  2. great pics! I really want to do a challenge, but don't think I can swing it right now. Have fun, and you pics are great!

  3. I agree with the phone, but I won't every think that coffee is a bad habit. ;)

  4. Oh yay! I can comment this week!!! Love this yummy photo. Why is it that the good things are so bad for us? Ugh! This is a gorgeous picture, great color!

  5. YUMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!!! And I agree, if I don't know where my iPhone is.... I F-R-E-A-K!!!!!!!

  6. YUMMY!!!!! I love me some pumpkin spice latte!!!! And I completely agree, I F-R-E-A-K if I don't know where my iPhone is!

  7. I share that habit--my iPhone is an extension of me, I'm afraid... Great shot!

  8. Awesome shot! I am the same way with my phone Angela. It's so sad, lol.
