
{hurricane preparation}

today i ran around my store around 2pm to get the things we need to prepare for hurricane irene.  we did not need D sized batteries....which is a good thing because we were completely out.  we were also running very low on the following essentials.....

the "good" peanut butter....

canned pasta items....i wasn't buying these but they were pretty empty....


flashlights. this looks pretty full but looks can be deceiving...the ones left were all waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive to be a flashlight.

we did have 3 of these....but for this price the flashlight better bake my brownies for me and charge my iphone....


but don't worry. i got all my essentials. i got the last two $8 flashlights. we do have those $50 ones but if you get those, make sure you actually pay for them. ;) i got a lighter, tape for the windows, donettes for my love, and brownies. oh and eggs and caramels to put in the brownies. i also got raw sugar and nutmeg for lisa as she will be making a sugar rim for her pumpkin beer. gross. {i despise beer}. and the number one essential that i got was a brand new "target red" nailpolish. {there will be a blog post dedicated to this....you know it}. i am a hot pink toenail girl. i've worn the same color for years now, but this was way too tempting for my target geekery self.

i've labeled the most important things in red so you can see quickly what you should get for your "hunker down party". oh and don't forget the alcohol. {not beer}. we don't sell alcohol at my target or you would have seen a lot of it. trust me. ;)
hurricane irene essentials

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