five years old. it seems like just yesterday that you were born. purple face and all. the nurses all told us not to worry and that the bruising would go down. all i saw was how perfect you were. you looked like a little old man. and oh so stinkin' cute. you caught my heart the second you were born and haven't let go an inch.
bailey and chloe were instantly in love too. although chloe didn't want to let go of her doritos to hold you.
today i was looking at pictures of your first birthday. you were so cute. it seems like a lot longer than five years ago and at that same time, it's just yesterday. you loved your cake. you still do. ;)
we had cake at daddy's tonight. you picked strawberry cake with vanilla frosting and sprinkles. you helped daddy make the cupcakes. so very much you. you loved all of your presents and every time you opened one you said "i wanted that!"
the other day lisa and i brought you and the other kids to the aquarium and then to rainforest cafe to celebrate your birthday a bit early. we had the waiter bring the volcano dessert to the table to you and sing. you were perfect. and you loved it so much that you said next time you weren't going to share. :) we asked you if you were surprised and you said "no. i knew it was coming." silly boy. we've never been to this restaurant before or had something brought to the table while singing for any of you, but you knew. of course you did. ;)
i love this video. it is, as is the theme of this blog post it seems, so very you. i love the way you look up at the waiter as he approaches but you don't actually turn your head. and your little smile towards the end, priceless.