Santa came a while back.

A little Christmas tree bokeh for ya.

Obviously the kids love eachother, but i cherish it when they actually express it. ;)

My love and I on Christmas Eve. That iphone flash is a killer, huh?

Chipmunk cheeks!

Bay got some pretty cool gifts this year. He got an iphone, a PS3 and the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid signed by the author. Thanks Carol! :)

We went to Disney on Ice. It was awesome.

How do you know you had a great birthday? You end up at Walmart at 9pm drunk zoning crappy end caps in your red and khaki.

We told the kids they could stay up until Midnight on New Year's Eve. Only Chloe made it. She was so excited!

We had a big snow storm last week. The kids loved going out and playing.

Bailey was a big help shoveling. One of the very few benefits of having a teenager.

We went and saw Frozen for the second time. It's amazing and if you haven't seen it, you're missing out.

It's been a Rainbow Loom factory around here lately.

I've been trying to get back into running. I was sick for a few weeks and wasn't able to run. It's tough getting back at it.

My love for satellite radio and wu-tang runs deep.

I rocked some braids Anna {from Frozen} style this week. I sent this to Lisa to ask her if I looked dumb or cute first. Her reply? "Where's your horse Pippi?"

A night out with friends is always welcome.

Love the braids - you look so cute! Alexa went to Disney on Ice too, I had church choir that night so she went with our friend/sitter.