

{happy bloggiversary to me!}

so i suck.  no like really really suck.  i missed my one year bloggiversary.  i don't even know when i started this blog.  it was a long time ago.  but i really really started blogging on 6/1/2011.  that day was the day that i made you guys start enduring me saying things like "really really".  lol.  i don't even have any idea what to post because i really really haven't been thinking about it.  ;)  seriously though, i knew it was coming up but thought maybe it was july or august.

i guess we can just go over some stats and some popular posts.  :)

i have 14 followers.  hi followers!  one of them is me.  oops.  i don't even know how i did that!

i have 396 posts.  this is the 397th post!

there have been 721 comments published.

my all about me page has had 474 views.

my top five posts are.....

1. {our summer bucket list 2012}  not a shocker everyone's been googling this summer bucket list this summer.

2.  {VSCO film app - a review}  this was kind of surprising to me.  but whatevs.

3.  {another weight loss update}  this was very surprising.  although i did post a picture of me on my scale so maybe that was it?

4.  {let's party it up}  this is a blog i linked up to for a bloggy party.

5.  {the engagement story...aka the 100th post}  this is one of my most favorite posts ever.  :)

my top two referring sites are....

1.  {fun family blog}  cause she's awesome!

2.  {life rearranged}  where i link up for insta-friday!

my top two posts with the most comments are....

1.  {the way i view new beginnings}  this is the one where i first posted a picture of myself on the scale.  it was also my 32nd birthday.  :)

2.  weekly polaroid fix...{jumping on the bed}  they're cute.  you should check it out.

thanks to everyone that comes by here and supports me.  it means a lot.  :)


  1. Happy Bloggiversary!! This is a neat summary...I may have to borrow your idea when I hit 1000 posts in a few months. :)

    1. thanks! you should definitely do it. i look forward to seeing yours! :)

  2. Happy Bloggiversary indeed! You have me beat! I have zero followers and have been blogging since 2005. eek! I have no clue what day since I have moved my blog so many times - nothing is fully intact. Oh well. Onward! :)

    1. i totally follow you! maybe it's just through google reader though. i'll change that. oh and can you let me know if this sends you an email or if you ever see it at all? i'm trying to figure out this reply thing. :)

  3. My dear! Happy Anniversary! I never pay attention to that stuff either. I can't believe I was out of town and missed this momentous event. All I want to say is how much I enjoy your blog. I love coming here to hear about your family and YOU! You always bring a smile to my face. xo
