

{more liebster awards}

i'm such a lucky gal!  two more lovely ladies nominated me for liebster awards.  i was nominated a while back by Annie.  and you find that post {here}.  i had tagged a bunch of people but i guess i never told them.  oops.


well one of the lovely ladies that nominated me is {misti}.  here are her questions for me.  

1. What is your dream vacation, either with kids or without.
 - disney.  surprise huh?  lol
2. Why and when did you start blogging? 
- about a year and a half ago.  i think.  and i did it for me.  i love scrapbooking and i don't do it at all.  so i love that blogging is my way of digitally scrapbooking our life.
3. If you could live anywhere, where would that be? 
 - here.  i know.  i'm boring.  although i'd love to retire to FL and work at disney.  ;)
4. Favorite color nail polish? Or bare nails? 
- dive bar by essie.  i've recently also fallen absolutely head over heals with smokin' hot by essie.  also, you must have a matte top coat.
5. If your life could be a movie, which movie would you want it to be? 
- a good one.  one of those movies that people love and will watch over and over again.
6. If you wanted to change your name and could, what would you change it to? 
- i've had many many name changes.  all last names, but still.  i'm on my fourth last name.  figure that one out.
7. Coffee or Tea and how do you take it? 
- coffee.  all. day. every. day.  cream and sugar if it's a regular coffee.  nonfat milk and no sugar if it's a cappuccino.  nonfat milk and whatever syrup if it's a latte.  
8. What's your favorite childhood memory? 
- our trip to hershey park.  we rented a mobile home and i thought it was so cool.
9. Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate ? 
- milk.  i despise dark chocolate.
10. What's your dream job, if you could get hired doing anything tomorrow, what would it be? 
- i actually think i'm doing it.  i love working in security.  it's different all the time and i feel like i'm good at it.  will i do this forever?  no.  i kind of really want to be a teacher.
11. Which bloggers inspire you the most? 
- all of my mommy friends.  i love hearing what's going on in everyone's life besides just a fb status or a tweet.  a blog post can really make you feel like you're a part of their life.  

here are the questions from my lovely new friend {nay}

1. Favorite quote...
"everything happens for a reason".  ???
2. What are you wearing right now?
jeans and striped top.  i actually got dressed to drop the kids off this morning.  go me!
3. Favorite M&M color/flavor?
regular flavor.  and red.  always red.
4. Biggest Pet Peeve...
bad spelling.
5. Blog you read everyday...
i pretty much try to go through as much of my reader as i can everyday.  i follow way too many blogs.  but i just love them all!
6. Your coffee order...
see number 7 above!
7. Where would you shop if you had one whole day that everything there was free?
target!  lol
8. Your favorite blog post?
our engagement post.  you can read it {here}
9. Heels or flats?
omg flats.  although i really want to me able to wear heels.
10. When you're not blogging, you...
are a partner, a mom and a crime fighting machine.
11. Three people (alive or dead, famous or not) that you'd like to have brunch with?
adele, my papa and my mammy.  how's that for a mix???

here are the 11 things about me that i already shared.  i'm way too lazy to come up with 11 more.  ;)

1. My favorite color is purple.
2. I DESPISE odd numbers.
3. I can not go a day without coffee unless I'm sick in my stomach and then I stay away for days.  There's nothing worse than throwing up coffee.  I promise you that.
4. I've worked at Target for 10 years and I feel kind of trapped there.  {more on that later}
5. I'm going to turn 33 in 13 days.  {that's a whole lotta odd numbers!}
6. I just started watching Downton Abbey.  I know.  I'm late. But Lisa and I LOVE it.  We are trying desperately to catch up before we find out what happened.  Shhhhhhhh.
7. I have asthma although it's the best it's ever been lately.
8. I am incredibly socially awkward and I'm just now fully realizing it.  I get very anxious about new social situations and I hate meeting new people.  Even people that I "know" on the internet.  Thank goodness I got over it to meet up with Carol!
9. I enjoy working out and going to the gym.  I just don't do it often enough.
10. I snore.  A lot and very loudly.  Poor Lisa.
11. I've done my hair with the no heat curl headband trick more than anything else this month.  

so yay!  i should really let those other ladies know.  huh?  oops!  :)


  1. Actually I was just talking with someone about Disney a minute ago and when I read this, haha! Such a coincidence! I have never been there, but deffo would like to go!

  2. thanks for sharing. love reading all about you :)
