

today is the last day of august break.  it's always fun taking a bit of a bloggy break and relaxing for the month.  for the last week or so i've been sharing really old pics as poladroids.  here is the last one until next year. 

i know this was taken at friendly's.  we were there for breakfast, hence the tea bag.  i think it was someone's birthday but i can't remember.  hmmmm.  i bet lisa would know.  oh, and isn't she adorable?  until next year august break!


August Break 2012 


{8-30-2012...fauxlaroid thursday}

this week's fauxlaroid thursday is also a pic i uploaded for august break.  this picture is from not this past easter, but the one before.  don't they all look so tiny?  and ian, omg.  so stinkin' cute.  the best part of this pic, isobel.  does she look thrilled or what????!  lol.

i love changing old pics into fauxlaroids because i feel like it helps make them new again.  also, the processing is different on them than the original so you know.  that helps make it feel new too.

i'm thinking about giving away a cute little prize to the best link up for fauxlaroid thursday each week.  i don't want to bribe y'all, but i also really want people to link up with me!  what would you do?

are they not just the cutest kids ever???!

faularoid thursday

August Break 2012 

let's link up! :)

link up your fauxlaroid pictures here!

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for the rest of august break, you're gonna get some good 'ole blast from the past poladroids. i just love these. :)

gosh she's cute.

August Break 2012 


{ahhhhhhhhh...kelly clarkson}

you all know this sound bite right? 

lisa and i had a big concert weekend.  we went and saw kelly clarkson & the fray on saturday and the american idol tour on sunday.  i've been hearing from lisa how awesome kelly is live for years and she finally came around on tour on a day we could go.  lisa was right.  she was fantastic.  and the fray?  icing on the cake.  loved them too. 

i snuck my camera into both concerts.  more on that later.  but today i'm gonna share some kelly pics and one of the videos i took.  be prepared to have concert stuff shoved down your blog gullet for the next few days or so.  :)


kelly did a lot of talking to the audience. which i love. even though i hear it wasn't as much talking as she usually does, it was fun to see her personality.




some of them came out ehhhhhhhhh. i have alot more of the fray. i was able to figure out a camera setting that worked best after kelly. oops.


i loved this one in color and bw.  :)

kelly came out pretty close to us during a version of "we are young" by fun. which you can see in the video at the end.  my videos are not by far great quality but you can definitely get a sense of the song.  i'm glad i brought stalker lens with me.



i hate that this one is blurry. but i love it anyways.



isaac slade from the fray came out and sang "don't you wanna stay" with kelly.  it was very good.



how stinkin' cute is she?????!

here is the video i was talking about.  big thanks to lisa for helping me with it.  :)


for the rest of august break, you're gonna get some good 'ole blast from the past poladroids.  i just love these.  :)

this is one of my all time faves of him. i miss how he used to tug on his ear when he was tired.

August Break 2012 



for the rest of august break, you're gonna get some good 'ole blast from the past poladroids. i just love these. :)

me and my baby girl. heart.

August Break 2012 


{back to school}

this year we have a child going into....

eighth grade

second grade




seriously, they are all important but i shouted the last two, cause COME ON!  huge events.  i just can't get over how big the kids are getting.  i also can't get over that next year, this post will say that we have one going into HIGH SCHOOL!  dear lord.

bailey and chloe are staying in their schools from last year, just moving on up a year.  ian is starting kindergarten.  now in our town, the kindergarten used to be this cute little school a few streets over from us.  so close we were actually "walkers".  not that we walked.  pfffft.  but they closed it and moved the kindergarten over to one of the bigger elementary schools. 

so my baby boy will be going on the bus to a school with very large fifth graders.  ughhhh.  but i think he'll love the bus.  i think he'll be excited about it.  and the best part, he takes the bus with chloe.  both ways cause it's full day kindergarten.  and, he has chloe's kindergarten teacher whom we absolutely adore.  {that's what writing a letter and requesting a teacher will get ya!!}

i LOVE full day kindergarten.  i never understood the half day thing.  i get that they are new to school but all our kids have done pre-school so they don't need that.  they need to be thrown right in to full day so that first grade isn't such a shock.  you know what i mean? 

isobel is starting pre-school this year.  she's potty trained wearing pull ups at night.  phewwww.  i wasn't sure we'd get that done before school started.  she's very excited and so am i.  except.  my baby is starting school.  my BABY.  how can she be going to school if she's a baby?  boo.  she has ian's teacher from last year whom we absolutely adore.  {is there an echo in here?} 

so yeah, that's it.  i'm sure i'll cry.  we have a couple of weeks left of vacation.  we don't go back until after the holiday this year.  i'll be back with more news and pictures of the cutest darn kids ever on their first day.  :)


for the rest of august break, you're gonna get some good 'ole blast from the past poladroids. i just love these. :)

this is from our first trip to NH. two years ago. great comparison to our new family shot from our most recent NH trip.


August Break 2012 


{you know what helps curb an appetite? mold}

that's right.  mold.  so we all know i've been failing trying to lose weight.  so i now have an egg white and turkey bacon breakfast sandwich from my starbucks when i'm too lazy to walk to the back of the store to get something better sometimes.  today i ordered my sandwich and was sitting here doing mad hard work.  and i looked down. 

what goes through my head:

mold.  wait, mold?  no.  that can't be mold.  is that mold?  omfg i just ate half of this.  how much mold did i just eat?  is that why it tasted weird?  does mold have a taste?  wait, is it mold?  that looks like mold.  that looks like that weird white crap on the bottom of bread sometimes.  flour.  yeah flour.  but this is a whole wheat muffin.  that looks green.  green.  mold is green.  omg that's mold.  that's really mold?  is it mold?  omg i don't know.  yeah.  yeah.  yeah.  yeah.  definitely mold.  definitely.

so i do what anybody would do and bring it back out to starbucks to show the barista.  omg she says.  is that mold?  really?  weird.  and she checks the rest.  they look fine.  and now, out in different light, in front of someone, i don't know if it's really mold.

mold?  is it mold?  this looks like mold but this looks like something else.  different mold?  maybe i'm just paranoid.  am i paranoid?  i feel sick.  do i really feel sick?  mold.  ughhh.  she doesn't think it's mold.  she thinks i'm crazy.  am i crazy?  am i that person?  omg i just brought out my half eaten sandwich and pointed at spots on it that probably aren't even mold.  i am crazy.  i am that person.  omg i'm that crazy old lady with the hunchback that complains about every little thing.  i don't want to be her.  but it was mold.  right?

right at the very point when i'm pointing at the parts that i think are mold, a guest walks up and says "oh no, is there something wrong with the breakfast sandwiches?  i was just going to get one."

"no." i say.  "i'm just paranoid".  cause, now i'm not sure.

what i am sure of, when the barista asks if i want a new one, I DO NOT.  i can't possibly go through that crazy in my head again.

thanks though.

{on the plus side, this should help with my daily intake for toay.}


for the rest of august break, you're gonna get some good 'ole blast from the past poladroids.  i just love these.  :)


August Break 2012 


{fauxlaroid thursday...8/23}

happy fauxlaroid thursday y'all!  sorry i'm so late posting today.  we had a dentist appt for the two littles and the biggest is off at his first golf team practice.

so today i give you two photos i took with my iPhone. i uploaded them into vscocam app and edited them pretty like and then uploaded them to my mac. once on my mac, i dropped them into instant and voila! i know it sounds like a lot of work, but it's not once you get the hang of it. :)


faularoid thursday

link up below and grab a button from my sidebar. just copy and past the code using keyboard commands. my blog is right click disabled so you can't use your mouse. :)

link up your fauxlaroid pictures here!

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me and my love on the balcony of our hotel room in NH. gorgeous hotel. thanks love!


August Break 2012 



this is our new family picture.  it was taken in NH in the woods at the Polar Caves.  this is the second of two takes.  no tripod...just resting on a railing.  i actually kind of like the first one better...i was running and my flip flop fell off and everyone was laughing.  so cute.  but i'll show you that another day.  and how do you like ian's smile?  yup.  we're there.  looks like the grinch.  lol.


August Break 2012 


{post vacation blues}

we are home from vacation and the first few moments were ahhhhhhhhhhhh we're finally home.  it's so nice to be home.  and then......  and then the whining started.  and the fighting.  and the tears.  and the need for one VERY VERY big glass of wine.  seriously i'm sitting here sipping on some sparkling water and there is wine in the fridge so i should be congratulated for only eating the rest of the donettes and not downing the last of the angel food wine.

all i ask.  ALL i ask is that they clean their room before dinner.  i don't even care if they kill each other in the process.  i'll deal with whining and crying and screaming and yelling and whining and did i mention crying if they'd just sit in there and do it.  but no.

and i'd LOVE to throw that nice vacation we just gave them in their face but they won't get it.  they just won't and it will make me hate all the things even more.  so you know what, when the oldest girl comes out and tells me that this is the worst day ever, i just shake my head, tell her i'm sure it is and send her to bed.  cause what else am i gonna do?

you know, besides drinking all the wine and eating the other bag of donettes before my love gets home from volleyball to rescue me.

boo.  so glad vacation is over.  not.



August Break 2012