

{Weight Watchers - Weigh In 3}

Not counting my first weigh in because it was only two days on program, today was my third weigh in. I had a 4 pound loss! Which brings my total to 9.8 pounds in three weeks. I am loving this program. I feel like I can still have all the food I want for the most part, I just need to ensure that I make it more healthy or have the points to cover it.


I was able to wear this sweater this weekend. I haven't been able to wear it for about a year because I've felt like it's been too tight. Well I rocked it this weekend. Besides losing weight I'm also gaining confidence on this program. I feel awesome and I'm excited to keep going!

Excited to be able to wear this sweater that I haven't been confident enough to wear for a long time. #ww #weightwatchers #nsv

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