

{Semester One & Other Life Things}

My first college Semester is over. Is it weird that I'm really sad about it? I knew that I would enjoy school but I had no idea just how much I would enjoy it.

I finished my Medical Terminology class with a 98.65. I literally got three questions wrong all semester. WHAT? I also got an A in my Computer Software class and I passed the Typing class that I tested out of. I finished Semester 1 with a 4.0 gpa.

Whoop Whoop!


I am officially one month in with WW and I am down 10.7 pounds....

This kid had a baby tooth pulled. The adult tooth was growing in and the baby tooth was just holding on for dear life... He also had baby chicks hatch in his class last week!

So much weeding was down this weekend. Please don't tell me if these aren't weeds. They're gone either way. Ha!

Snap chat fun! The kids love playing with the snapchat filters.

The oldest turned 11 this week and got a cell phone. She was very excited. As we were when the very next school day she took the wrong bus home and was able to communicate with us.

How stinking cute is this teapot dress? It's from Kohls and is part of the Lauren Conrad Alice in Wonderland line. Unfortunately (or fortunately for my pockets)they did not have my size.


{Weight Watchers - Weigh In 3}

Not counting my first weigh in because it was only two days on program, today was my third weigh in. I had a 4 pound loss! Which brings my total to 9.8 pounds in three weeks. I am loving this program. I feel like I can still have all the food I want for the most part, I just need to ensure that I make it more healthy or have the points to cover it.


I was able to wear this sweater this weekend. I haven't been able to wear it for about a year because I've felt like it's been too tight. Well I rocked it this weekend. Besides losing weight I'm also gaining confidence on this program. I feel awesome and I'm excited to keep going!

Excited to be able to wear this sweater that I haven't been confident enough to wear for a long time. #ww #weightwatchers #nsv


{weight loss progress}

After two full weeks on Weight Watchers I am down 5.8 pounds. I know when I add running back into it the pounds will drop off more quickly. I just can't seem to fit the time in right now with school, work and the kids. Oh and the weather here lately has been awful! But hopefully after this week of dreary rain I'll be able to hit the streets.


I thought I would write a bit about the stuff I've been eating on Weight Watchers. Not only cause I really need to get better about writing about anything on here but also so that when I look back, I'll have some sort of record to help me see what I've done.


I definitely eat a lot of salads. I love salad. The lettuce and all the fruits and veggies are 0 Smart Points. My favorite dressing is Newmans Parmesan & Garlic which is 4 Smart Points and the Babybel cheese are 1 Smart Point each.
Got a spiralizer today. Spiraled some cukes for the top of my salad.  9SP.  #weightwatchers #weightwatcherspointsplus #quintessentialfatgirlDinner last night.  9 smart points.  #weightwatcherspointsplus #weightwatchers #quintessentialfatgirl

I've also discovered flat outs. I use them to make pizza. The flat out is 2 Smart Points and the sauce which is Rao's homemade pizza sauce is 0 Smart Points. Then I add whatever toppings I am in the mood for. So good!

For breakfast on work days I have overnight oats. On mornings that I'm home I've been making more of a real breakfast. The bread is 1 Smart Point per slice. Eggs are 2 Smart Points each. The Butterball everyday turkey bacon is 3 Smart Points. The fruits are 0 Smart Points. I also use I can't Believe it's Not Butter Spray which is 0 Smart Points. The pancakes are Kodiak Power cakes and it's 5 Smart Points for 1/2 cup of mix. These are very tasty!

The thing I miss the most for sure on this plan is butter. Butter and I are besties and I feel bad turning my back on it. But you know what butter? You make my ass bigger and not in a good way so we're on a break!