

{weight watchers}

Last week I joined Weight Watchers. I've had some success on the program in the past. Specifically right before I got pregnant with Isobel. Then they went and changed everything and it wasn't working for me so I cancelled my membership. Well last week I was reminded by a co-worker about it and I signed up. This wedding is creeping up on me and I need to get serious about losing some weight. Of course not only for the wedding, for my overall health but looking better in my gown is always a plus, right?

So far I am loving the program again! They have Smart Points now and *most fruits and vegetable are 0 points. This is helpful to not go over your daily allotment of points. I have had days where I've gone over but yesterday I was way under and completely full on vegetables. I suppose that's a good thing!

I'm excited to start this journey. I will succeed this time. Consider it done. Also, I apologize ahead of time for all of the Weight Watchers posts and foods headed this way. I'm just way too excited about it!

Starting Weight: 234
Current Weight: 230
1st Goal Weight: 200

{And yeah, I put my weight out there. I don't care one bit. It's just a number. It does not define me. I'm still totally awesomesauce!}

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