

{Insta-Friday 3/21}

These are from the last few weeks.  Just simple pics from my phone.

#latergram of us. #lollipop

His "silly" face always looks a bit dead.  lol.
His silly face is always dead.  ???  #latergram

We went to lunch with my dad last weekend.  I got this happy accidental picture of him.  Love it.
We went to lunch with my dad yesterday.  Xoxo #latergram

My sweet baby girl.  Such pretty eyes.
My pretty lady. Xoxo

He has the best lashes ever.
He's got the best lashes.  Xoxo #latergram

Bailey brought home the fake baby through Health class last weekend.  He had to take care of him from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening.  This was a happy mistake at lunch.  He was actually scratching his face but it captured his frustration through this project.
This was accidental and he was just scratching his face, but it's priceless.  Xoxo #latergram #fakebaby

Olive Garden makes a surprisingly delicious cappuccino.
Olive Garden cappuccino. Surprisingly very good.  #latergram

He was very excited at the beginning of the project.  Not so much at the end.
Bailey has the fake baby for the weekend. They dressed him in old Ian clothes cause the school doesn't have anything.

I love this shirt.  Ian dressed up as Abe for a school project.  I think he needs this.
Ian need this shirt.  Hahahaha!

And that's it.  Trying to get back into the blogging swing of things.

life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. Great shots! I have had a few of the coffee drinks at olive garden. They are surprisingly good!!
