

{My Heart is Flying Home}

My heart will be getting on a flight soon to come home to me.  It's been a very long 12 days.  Longer and harder than I thought it would be.  I'm glad to have her coming home but I'm also very happy that she got to have this experience.  I know career wise it was great for her.  But more than that, she made some great friends and had a lot of fun.  I know she's sad to leave them.

But she'll be here in seven hours and my heart couldn't be happier.

It's alright, you'll find a brighter day 'cause love is on its way.
{photo via}

1 comment:

  1. Neel's conference in Greece was the longest we'd been apart since getting married nearly 20 years ago. It wasn't as hard as expected, and like Lisa, SO good for him. But homecomings are nice, aren't they? Like getting everything right back where it belongs.
