


Hey y'all!  How was your week??  We had a great week over here.  The weather is finally warming up too so that's a plus.  Any who, here's a glimpse into our week.

I was drunk here.  Just putting that out there.  This is also old.  It's from New Year's but I just got it from my sister.  I rock.  That is all.  
These two are so cute.  And they've been so nice to each other lately.  She looks up to him so much.  He helped her with her homework this week without being prompted to.  Good kids.
This one's basketball pics came in.  I can't wait to get my hands on one.  For now, an iphone shot of them.  Isn't he cute?
Oh goodness....this one.  I went in her room to check on her last night only to find her sleeping on the floor.  She was in her bed before we went to bed.  We checked on her.  And it's not like she fell off the bed cause her whole bed was on the floor and made up.  All her blankets and her pillow.  Also, that second one?  She was crying yesterday that she missed Mama so I gave her one of Lisa's shirts.  Too cute.
This book.  OMG.  It's called Bloom and it's by Kelle Hampton.  I've been following her blog for quite a while and I've been eyeing the book forever.  I usually buy EBooks but I had to have an actual copy of this one.  The pictures are stunning.  It came out in paperback and I finally bought it.  So I sat in the Preschool parking lot killing time and reading.  Or killing time and sobbing.  Either one.  Go buy it.  Now.
Some treats this week.  Yummmmmmmmm.
The kids had Boston Strong day where they could wear a Boston sports themed shirt to school if they brought in a donation towards the One Foundation.  Ian was super excited that they matched.  Chloe, not so much.  She said "We don't match.  They're different numbers."  In my head I imagined, DUH after it.  Lol.
Lisa and I went to a Red Sox game last night with her store.  She bought me this sweet Red Sox Alex and Ani bracelet.  Also, the field is pretty.  It was freezing.  Beyond freezing but it was fun.
Because it was so cold, Lisa let me wear the hat that she had just bought to keep some warmth in me.  She's the sweetest.  And also, we're super cute.  :)
That's it for now.  Have a super great weekend!  What do y'all have planned?  I'm going to dinner tonight with my Mom and my sisters and tomorrow we are taking the kids to a Providence Bruins game.  Yay!

life rearranged


  1. cute pics Angela.. Lovin' the bracelet... oh and what app did you crop into a circle? You always know of the coolest apps

    1. I actually did the circles with photoshop. I'm sure there is an app that will do this though and it'll probably be much easier! lol

  2. The kiddos are so cute! Specially your eldest helping out with homework! I love moustache parties! they are a riot!!

    You and Lisa do look adorbs cuddled up at Fenway! I wanna go and take my sweetie too!!!


    1. Awwwwwwww thanks chickie! It was a ton of fun!
