

{almost six}

he's almost six.  six years old.  six.  can you feel the sheer omgness off that to me?  i truly can't believe that this beautiful boy has been with us for six years already.  how lucky are we? 

he still completely melts me.  six years later.  lisa and i talk often about his birth and how scary it was but my sister was over this weekend and we were talking about it as well.  to hear from her how scary it was just brought it all back.  of course it was scary to me but to hear that it was scary to everyone else in the room as well.  well, i just can't....

his birthing story isn't documented here because this blog is not almost six years old.  maybe i'll share it soon.  but for now, he's just perfect.  thank god for that.  and he's been perfect for almost six years.

look at him here in his grown up sweater and looking at a calculator that could so easily be an iphone or an ipod.  {apple family here!}  he looks like he could be almost 15.

but he's not.  he's almost six.  and almost six year olds still want their toe nails painted while his sisters get their finger nails painted.  i know he'll hate me for these pics someday.  but then, he'll be a parent and he'll fall head over heels for these pictures and what they represent. 

and omg, he's still got the cutest chubby baby feet.  they don't look like almost six year old feet.  :)


he's a good almost six year old.  for the most part he'll let his mommy take a picture of him whenever she wants. 

and sometimes he'll give her pictures like this.  he can't stay still so they're not always sharp and in focus, but who cares.  really?  i don't.  this is my new favorite picture of him in all it's blurry glory.  why?  those eyelashes and that smile.  omg.  melted.

i truly can not believe it's been almost six years and at the same time it feels like he's always been here with me.  forever.  isn't it funny how that happens?

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