

{living in the moment...january}

this month is a bit different for me.  typically i save images up during the month for this post.  this month i kind of forgot all about it.  but luckily for me, i'm a slacker and have tons and tons of stuff i haven't shared.  so i took a few from here and a few from there and threw them together last minute.  like really last minute.  i'm supposed to have this live in a matter of minutes.  oops.

anyways here is a glimpse into our lives this month.  i did take all the ones of bailey at the bottom for this post.  :)  he's usually left out and i wanted to focus a bit more on him this time.  isn't he precious?

lim jan 4
lim jan 5
lim jan 6
lim jan 1
lim jan 2
lim jan 3

please go check out the lovely {irene's} living in the moment post.  


  1. I love that you have some good ol' grain in your photos :)I ♥ grain so much!
    And that first shot? Gorgeous!

    1. thanks! i didn't even see all the grain until i uploaded them here. it wasn't as noticeable in lightroom. i just said what the heck! i love it too. :)

  2. ya gotta love when being a "slacker" actually comes in handy. obviously you had lots of gems to pull from to give us a lovely glimpse of your month :-).

  3. Great photos! I need to start picking up my camera again and taking more pictures. I might make that my goal for March since I've already got my February goals all planned out. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. you are very welcome! i can't wait to see what you come up with. blogging has definitely helped me document things more. and sometimes i really need the push! lol

  4. Love the first shot so much!

    And welcome to my Slacking

  5. The ones of you daughter on the leap pad? Too awesome. I love how you always have your photos spread out over the month. You've inspired me to do better at that!

    1. thanks so much! i have a whole series of her. i can't wait to share them. :)

  6. What a beautiful family you have. I absolutely love this ordinary day. I thought the faces in this post were so sweet. My favorite one was of you and your son though. How pretty are you? I could see the eye sparkle and feel the love. You are a beautiful mommy!

  7. You do such a great job in capturing those little moments! Love it!

    And yes, I love the grain too!!!! Especially since it was real and not "added in"!

  8. love all these little bits of everyday goodness! the shoe tying pic. <3 you a slacker? i think not!

  9. love all these little bits of everyday goodness! the shoe tying pic. <3 you a slacker? i think not!

  10. i love the everyday bits of goodness. esp the shoe tying pic! my 10 year old wants shoes with laces now. sad that she is that old and doesn't know how to tie. i blame it on velcro. lol you my dear are not in the least bit a slacker! always documenting your family and getting in the pictures too!!
