

{12 days until christmas}

in case you're living under a rock, there's only 12 days left until the best day EVER!!!!!!!!!!!


i am SO excited and sooooooooo not ready. boo. we have everything ready for the kids. it's EVERYONE else that we haven't gotten gifts for yet. ohhhhhh well.

for the next 12 days i'm going to share with you one of these awesome pics that i made on jib jab.  they rock huh???!  ;)
kinds 3

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to thank you SO MUCH for the fabulous and enormous coffee mug during #MugSwap2012! I've been meaning to blog about it, but if you've popped over to Magnolias & Mimosas lately, you know it's just a sad wasteland of darkness. I had a baby (which is really not much of an accomplishment considering you've had 4) and then the Army moved us from GA to VA with about 2 months' notice (and from a house into an apartment). So the crazy just won't stop. But things are finally starting to quiet down so I'm remembering all of the stuff I had forgotten to do. Like pop over and say THANK YOU! I've added your blog into my Google Reader so when I do get back into my blogging routine, I'll be over more often. Have a VERY Merry Christmas and well done on the jib jab! I love to elf myself, as well! :-D
