

{the way i view...back to school}

the kids have been back to school for almost a month now. this month's theme over at clickinmoms was back to school so i saved them for this post.

am i the only mom who took tons of pics of the younger kids and not so much the older ones?  i should feel bad but bay hates getting his pic taken and i knew i was going to get some of chloe at her bus stop with ian.

bailey entered the eight grade.  yes, i'm old enough to have an eight grader.  shocking, i know.  but isn't he cute?


he insisted i get a shot that included his sneakers as well.  he's mildly obsessed to say the least.

chloe went into second grade.  she's growing up so fast!

she wore a cute sparkly skirt that's a bit too old for my liking even if it is adorable and a cute little pony shirt that evened out the oldness of that skirt. 

the following week, ian and isobel started school.  i wanted a shot of chloe and ian at their bus stop.  yes, i smudged out the street signs and bus numbers and what nots...

cutest kindergartner ever!

this is his "smile" right now.  i know most kids go through this phase.  can't wait till he passes it by.  i can only stand so many pics of him looking like jim carrey.


isobel started preschool.  so darn cute.

just look at her tongue out nervous smile.  adorbs.  and those shoes, total cuteness overload.

jess took a pic of us.  sad bailey's not in it, but he was already off to school.  i took one of them, their dad and jess too.  i must have missed uploading it to flickr.  i'll add it later.

bus time!  ian's first time ever.  i didnt' cry.  i swear.  ok, maybe a little.  that's what sunglasses are for!

totally a crap pic but i love their waves!!!!!!!!!!

and then we were off to bring the little to preschool.  she was very nervous.  she told me she was scared.  :(

happy mistake right here.  not sure what this is, but i love love love it.

a goodbye to her mama....

and one last high five and she was off!!!!!  she had a great day. 

isobel still occasionally says that she doesn't want to go to school and whines a bit but she does love it once she gets there.  they are all enjoying school and happy.  me?   i miss the crap out of them.

do me a solid and go check out {clair's} view of back to school.  :)


  1. urgh you're awesome that you get so many. my kids get so uptight and mean, i get an Ian smile if i'm lucky ;)

    1. awwwwww thanks! sometimes they cooperate. sometimes they don't. :)

  2. You got so many great captures! I hear you on the missing them. Back to school (or just starting school) is so bittersweet...
