

{Disney Tourists DIY Halloween Costume}

in true DIY style, lisa and i threw together a costume in a couple of days for a wedding reception we had last night.  we knew the party was coming up but for some reason didn't worry about a sitter or costumes until wednesday night.  oops.  anyways, we can came up with disney tourists.  i've added little bullet points of what our costumes consisted of below.  :)

diney tourist diy halloween costume

i also did a minnie mouse manicure. it didn't come out great. i have really shaky hands and it was a bit messy but i added it below anyways. you could probably do a lot neater. and thanks to lisa for her help with the polka dots! i also had red toenails with white polka dots to complete the look.

minnie mouse diy mani


  1. That is perfect! I love it. The next Halloween party that we attend, I think I am going as a TwiMom with my own handmade "Team Edward 4Ever!" tshirt. ;)

  2. this totally made me laugh! Great couples costume! :)
