

{living in the moment...september}

this month i'm starting a year long monthly blog circle link up with some pretty awesome ladies including my friend {jude} who started "living in the moment" over on her blog.  her images are totally amazing each and every month.

i have been obsessed with iphoneography.  and i'm not talking about instagram.  although i heart that too.  i have been taking pictures and editing them in my vscocamm app.  i've just been taking pics here and there and saving them up.  so there's no real theme to my post this month.  just our life....

we had a lot happen this month.  the kids all started back to school so we've been settling into our new schedules.  we went apple picking.  lisa and i have been enjoying our alone time in the morning by searching for the best new breakfast place.  there have been lots of naps.  and lisa and i have been going for walks when we can.  it's been a great month.  :)

september living in the moment

i tried to stuff these into photoshop and it didn't work well but i think you get the point. this weekend has been rough to say the least. more about that later.

for now, please go check out {irene's} living in the moment post.


  1. I love it :) These really show 'just' your life and it's perfect!

  2. These are perfect! They really show 'just' your life, just the way it is :)

  3. Wow... I would never have guessed that some of those were with a phone! Beautiful!

  4. I can almost feel the seasons changing in your lovely montage of Sept life. oh, and I love your blog header of family miscellany - super cute!!

    1. thank so much! i change my header out often. :)

  5. I agree with Robyn. These are from a phone? Lovely. Just lovely.I love the montage idea.

  6. you know how to rock the iPhone! i love the vsco cam app too! your life is beautiful and you always looks so happy! x

    1. awwwwww thanks jude! i really want the presets. someday! :)

  7. these are great, Angela! I love the apple picking jealous that you're kids get to that. Can't wait to see what the year brings for you!
