

{living in the moment...september}

this month i'm starting a year long monthly blog circle link up with some pretty awesome ladies including my friend {jude} who started "living in the moment" over on her blog.  her images are totally amazing each and every month.

i have been obsessed with iphoneography.  and i'm not talking about instagram.  although i heart that too.  i have been taking pictures and editing them in my vscocamm app.  i've just been taking pics here and there and saving them up.  so there's no real theme to my post this month.  just our life....

we had a lot happen this month.  the kids all started back to school so we've been settling into our new schedules.  we went apple picking.  lisa and i have been enjoying our alone time in the morning by searching for the best new breakfast place.  there have been lots of naps.  and lisa and i have been going for walks when we can.  it's been a great month.  :)

september living in the moment

i tried to stuff these into photoshop and it didn't work well but i think you get the point. this weekend has been rough to say the least. more about that later.

for now, please go check out {irene's} living in the moment post.

{sunday social...week 17}

linking up again over at {a total waste of makeup} for sunday social.  :)

1.  What do you miss most about being a kid?
 i guess i miss the innocence of it all.  i didn't have the greatest childhood.  i had lots of really rough times and grew up way faster than i should have.  {maybe someday i'll embellish on this...for now, i feel bad doing so}

2.  Did you have a nickname growing up?  What was it? 
i did.  i still kind of do.  my mother wanted to name me Angel.  i was born in 1980 and the story goes that my grandmothers told my mom that Angel was a hookers name so my mom added the A on the end to make me Angela so that "i wouldn't be embarrassed going to school".  i'm kind of happy i'm Angela.  Angel doesn't sound like a women's name.  it sounds like a little kid.  but, to this day, my family calls me Angel.

3.  What was your favorite thing to do at recess?
oooooooooh i don't know.  i wasn't very athletic.  asthma.  i guess i just did what everyone else did.

4.  What did you want to be when you grew up?
i went through phases.  two big things i stuck with for a bit were "marine biologist" and teacher.  now that i've been in retail for 10 years, the marine biologist thing probably isn't going to happen but i am thinking about starting school in january to be a teacher.  :) 

5.  What was your favorite toy?
this is easy.  lilly.  she was my cabbage patch kid.  she had short blonde curly hair with a white bow.  when i got her she was in a blue velvet dress.  i loved her.  to this day i still love the smell of cabbage patch kids.  i lost her tragically when someone stole her from me.  people suck.  i also loved my game boy with tetris and my sega.  :)

6.  What was the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about?
remember number one?  yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  about that.

Sunday Social


{ date...9-28}

this week was really slow for instagrams.  i've been taking pics all month for a new blog circle i've joined up with.  my friend jude is running it.  it's gonna be great.  :)

i'm a rebel, huh?

sparkles on just the end....don't mind my gross cuticles.  ;)

and oldie but goodie....

what superstars are made of.  it was one of those days...

i put pink in my hair again.  i've missed it!

we went to a party for some super cute little boys last weekend.  :)

and my coffee date vlog!!!!!

life rearranged


{fauxlaroid thursday...9/27}

i skipped fauxlaroid thursday last week.  sorry y'all.  please don't let that stop you from linking up this week!

in case you don't know, i'm rather obsessed with polaroids.  everything on here used to be polaroids or fauxlaroids if you will.  i changed my header out a few weeks ago but i'm sure the fauxlaroids will be back!

i use instant (an imac app) and poladroid (free software you can dl to your comp) to make my fauxlaroids.  sometimes i also use Shakeit (an app on my iphone).  you can make your fauxlaroid however you would like.  just make sure to enter it through the inlikz link down below.  at the end of the month i'm giving away a cute camera plate to my favorite entry. 

these are from last christmas. izz loved this zoo toy set she got from lisa's mom. i took these pics thinking they'd make a great set. i loved them even more when i fauxlaroided them! :)


link up below!


{best mail day ever}

isn't it nice to get nice things in the mail and not just bills?  i agree.  it is!  well today i checked my mail expecting lots of bills and junk mail because i haven't checked it in quite a while and i had two things waiting for me.

one was......

Got a package in the mail today.  :)

this box that contains a book about our new hampshire vacation. it was free which makes it better. it's really been the only good perk i've gotten from klout. i can't wait to go home and open it!

the other was an envelope from my friend carol....


with this cute mickey bracelet...and she sent it in the disney bag. LOVE!!!!!

thanks so much carol. i love it. :)

hooray for good mail days!!!!


{the fray...part 2}

here's part 2 of the fray like i told you about {in this post}.  so they sang happiness and came out to the the back of the audience where we were sitting.  excuse my shaky videos....i have shaky hands.  :)



they set a keyboard up right in front of us....maybe three rows.  so exciting!



instead of using the keyboard, he climbed up on to a little platform thing unexpectedly.  it was awesome.  not sure security was happy with him.  lol.

one of my all time favorite pics...ever.

oh and this one too.  :)

this was an amazing moment.  two rows up from us were all the handicap spots.  there were a lot of younger people in wheelchairs.  mostly with their parents.  this boy was with what appeared to be his big brother.  his big brother was jamming out the whole time and was even holding the boys hand to help him jam as well.  it was precious to watch.  and then, the big brother asked isaac slade to take a picture with the boy and he did.  awesome.  :)



{i won't give up}

i love love love this song.  dedicated to my sweet lisa.... 

"I Won't Give Up"
Hmmmm ... Hmmmm ... Hmmmm ... Hmmm ...

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
Well, there's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

Well, I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Still looking up.

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up


{sunday social....week 16}

linking up over at {a complete waste of makeup} again this week for the sunday social.  :)

i love the sunday social because it gives me writing prompts of sorts to tell you guys some stuff about me that i probably wouldn't have thought of to tell you. 

1.  What is something you have wanted to do but are afraid of? 
write a book about my life.  i've touched on this subject before.  i definitely think my life is pretty interesting.  i've been through a lot.  but i haven't because i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

2.  Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
first and foremost, a homeowner.  and gosh i hope it doesn't take 5 years.  also, i'd love to be finishing school.  of course i have to start.  :)

3.  What are you looking forward to before the end of 2012?
so many things....but here are a few.
black friday at work
house hunting
enrolling in school

4.  What are your hopes for you blog?
you know, i was just thinking about this.  i get down on myself too much and expect too much.  blogging is weird because you never really know who's reading.  i get hung up on comments and stats way too often.  cause if you aren't commenting, maybe you hate it.  it's dumb i know.  so i guess my answer is to just write what i want to write and accept that it is what it is.  mostly, i hope my kids love it.

5.  Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city?
no and yes.  i like where i live but in the long run i want to move a few towns away.  somewhere where the school systems are better....and for retirement?  disney baby. 

6.  What is your morning routine?
sleep for as long as humanly possible, get dressed, hair, makeup, leave.  and no, i do not shower in the am.  my hair is way too high maintenance for that.  :)

Sunday Social


{the fray}

a while back lisa and i had a huge concert weekend.  i posted some of the kelly clarkson stuff {here}.  the fray put on a great show.  i loved the set and the lighting it was so dramatic and pretty.  here are some of the shots i got.  i got a lot.  lol.







i just love this one.  all the darkness with the piano lit up.  so cool!


look at all this purple! :)


the whole stage went really dark with these green highlights and the band did a kind of tribute piece to all the victims of recent shootings.  it was very awesome.  more of that to come in a later post.  :)

here are some of the videos i took.  they are kind of shakey.  sorry about that.  :)



i'm a mess this week.  i barely have any photos even though it's been two weeks since i've done an instafriday.  i updated my iPhone software.  iOS 6.  boo.  that's all i have to say.  first i had problems with email and a push notification error.  also, it broke my twitter.  so i did some research and what i heard is that i have to restore.  so restore i did.

AND, then i lost all my contacts and all my photos and you know what, probably my notes although i didn't check them.  so it's in the middle of restoring again right now.  and i'm gonna be very very mad if i lose all my photos.  you have no idea.

fingers crossed.....

Evening walk. #latergramLate night walk #latergram

ok....hours later i think i fixed it. i had to go back to a backup from much earlier in the month but i have all my stuff back. most of it anyways. phewwwww.

we went apple picking last weekend.  it was tons of fun.

the cousins.



we went on a hayride too.

this is my edited version.  i used my vscocamm app.

cutest little faux bun ever.

my newest target dog.  he's a moose!!!!!

isobel made her "me" doll.  how cute is this???

life rearranged