


i'm doing the {august break} again over at susannah conway.  in susannah's words, here is what the august break is all about....

"How it works: you simply share one photo (or more!) each day on your blog – Monday to Friday, or every day. Or whenever you feel moved to share. Using any camera – DSLR, compact, Polaroid, Holga, iPhone (my choice), Instax, film or digital – with or without words – anything goes! – for the whole of August. No pressure – just looking at August through your camera lens as a way to be more present this summer. And to have a little break from the pressures and expectations of regular blogging".
- quoted directly from {susannah's blog}

last year i shared a poladroid pic with you each day.  i'm probably going to do that again.  sometimes it might be in another post about something else, sometimes it might just be on it's own.  last year i scheduled a whole bunch ahead of time so that i didn't have to remember to do it everyday.  i loved that.  takes the pressure off just like susannah said.  :)

you may have seen some of these pictures before.  you may not have.  hah!  i hope you'll join us!


August Break 2012 

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