

{coffee date: my first vlog!}

guys i made a vlog. so nerve wracking! alissa over at {rags to stitches} does a weekly coffee date post and everyone is doing fun vlogs so i thought i'd join in!  it was really hard.  the video i'm posting is take 5.  i liked so many things from each one but this is the only one i really got all the way through.

so here you go.  me.  in person.  be kind and don't mind the messy house/hair/clothes.  lol.


  1. Loved it! You did awesome and I couldn't tell you were nervous!

  2. I did my first vlog today for the coffee date too! It is nerve wracking huh? I stared at the record button for a can I do this?

    I would love to do more photography in my life too. It'd be awesome to have my own company, but I need to learn more!

    You did great! Nice to meet you! =)

    1. thanks for stopping by! it is nerve wracking. kind of weird too but i'm glad i did it. you did great too! :)
