

{our summer bucket list 2012}

i saw this idea on {the happy family movement blog} about making a summer bucket list for the family.  essentially you come up with a list of ideas of fun things to do over the summer.  i went onto {pinterest} to get some ideas.  i also googled "summer bucket list for kids".  then because i'm kind of nutso supermom! i spent hours and hours on the computer and i made up a pretty poster in PS that i'm going to get printed and then hang in the house so we can cross them off as we do them.  this is our list.  if you are interested, i will share.  just leave me your email addy and i'll send it to you.  :)

summer bucket list

if you make your own bucket list the one suggestion i have {and it's just a thought really cause i've never done one before, so what do i know?} is to put on it stuff you already do or are already planning on doing. that way, it's not too stressful. and make it realistic! nothing like making up a fun event for the family and then disappointing everyone if you can't get it done.

also if you guys have any other great ideas, please let me know! i'm always looking for new fun stuff to do with the kiddos. :)


  1. JJ and I started making one, scared that it get accomplished because there are some big ones on there. Love the way you posted yours, I want to make ours cute like that and post it :)

  2. i LOVE that idea (and you made it so pretty too!)

  3. Hi Angela! Glad we inspired you and thanks for the link back to our site! Did you sign up for our Summer Bucket List Challenge?! I hope so! We'll have daily giveaways next week for the launch and then a weekly giveaway every Friday all summer long!

    I hope you guys have the best summer ever!!

    much love,

  4. Hi Angela! Glad we inspired you and thanks for the link back to our site! Did you sign up for our Summer Bucket List Challenge?! I hope so! We'll have daily giveaways next week for the launch and then a weekly giveaway every Friday all summer long!

    I hope you guys have the best summer ever!!

    much love,

    P.S. I can send you a 'We're doing the Sumemr Bucket List Challenge' blog button if you want! Just let me know :)

  5. What a great idea!! I want to do all of those things too!!

  6. I LOVE THIS! OMG! totally LOVE! I need one, too. I'm jealous. :) I may just steal yours. Hee hee. Kidding. But I am going to link to you on FB so I can find it later ... :)
