


i've made a few changes around here. i added an about me thingy and some cute pics over there ----> and i changed some pics up there to the banner as well as some color schemes and a background. so tell me, what do you love? what do you hate? is anything hard to read??? please be honest. you won't hurt my feelings. promise.

oh and i found a cool new app to share with you all. it's called cuptakes frames. it was .99 in the itunes store. i made this cool frame for my lock page. aren't we cute? :)



  1. I love your about me--only thing I see is coffee is misspelled. :D I hate to nitpick but I would want to know. Looks great!

  2. katie, i had bad spelling so thank you so much! :)

  3. Loving the new blog look, cheerful, bright and fresh! And I've now discovered you like Fraggle Rock thanks to your new About Me section!
