


it is two days until christmas. i'm sad that it's almost over already. yesterday was a good day. my mom and sisters came over for dinner and presents. lisa made a delicious ham dinner. it was yummmmmm! we exchanged gifts and hung out.

it snowed on 12/18...first snow of the year....
First snow

i loved this shot of the carts at work....
Can I help you find something?

i hardly ever paint my fingernails. i'm a toenails kind of girl. this week i painted them...twice....

this is my rudolph thumb print....

i made some ornaments with the kids this week. soooooooooooooo cute. i got the idea from my dear friend jude.

love the iphone sunflare!

i got a new target dog for my office. he is number 43. he is cuttttttttttttttttte. :)

izz got her bangs trimmed. she looks so big now!

on tuesday night lisa and i got home and the house smelled like gas. weird because we don't have gas anything. they were doing work on the street earlier so we suspected that maybe there was a gas leak outside. we called the fire department and they came over with the meters and checked the place out. it was fine. just a bit stinky.

on flickr this week, you can make it snow.

then today i noticed that there were lights too. if you run your mouse across them, they pop!

ian had a lot of fun popping them!

and then we made it snow on me....

the kids got a new nightlight from auntie jess and fam last night. they love it.

my love by the light of the tree last night.

and one of me without snow. :) i hope you all have a great holiday! i can't wait to see everyone's christmas day photos next friday.

life rearranged

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