


cause really, i need something else to get involved in that i'm not going to keep up with...right?  lol.  i recently found this blog.  love it.  of course it's added to my google reader.  she does a weekly thing called insta-friday.  upload your iphone photos from the week.  fun!  i love instagram and hipstamatic and i take a lot of cell phone pics.  so here is my week.  :)

the kids playing at the bus stop.


on our way to the doctor...

at the doctor's office. isobel's skin was really bad. {eczema} and i thought she might have an infection, so off we went. she did. she's on an antibiotic and some steroids and she looks so much better already!

on wednesday mornings, lisa and i are both home. it was a bit chilly so i walked chloe to the bus stop alone. while there she asked to take some pictures. she took the flower pic and then i told her to take a pic of her feet. she thought i was crazy but then loved it and took three. and then three of her's and mine.

and one of me. :)
Me again.  ;)

life rearranged


  1. Love the crack in the sidewalk/foot shot! Visiting via InstaFriday!

  2. Such lovely shots!!!!

  3. I love this!!! I totally want to participate!! :) I already took some this week!!! Perfect!
