

6 or 16?

care bear recently got a hair cut. jess did it and it came out great. she wanted it above her shoulders. jess had the fantastic idea to put a bit of layers in and bammmmmm a super model in the making....

this baby of mine is 6. and not 6-almost-7. she's 5-just turned-6.

here is a before....

and here is the after....

wowza's! she looks like she's 16. at least to me. i just can't believe it. of course she's got the attitude to match! lol.

she did smile a wasn't all seriousness. :)

and just to show that she does still act like a 6 year old....

1 comment:

  1. love these...she is an absolute doll. Love her eyes. The haircut is really cute too!
