i used to keep a little word document with all the hilarious stuff the kids say. i swear, someday when i write my life story there will be a chapter specifically designated to the gut wrenching things that come out of their mouths. here are some that i have saved...
End of August 2010.
Me…ian, do you have hugs for me?
Ian…no mommy I left them in the mountains.
Me…well then we’ll have to go back and get them.
Chloe…mommy, I left your hugs and kisses at disney world.
- clever of her huh?
bailey to me while getting my camera out to take a pic of him on the first day of middle school…(the stalker lens was on) “oh, you’re busting out the big guns huh?”
- poor kid.
and lastly this is from bailey. weird for sure. i'm not sure when this was but it was in his wrestling days so it must have been 2005/2006.
I remember being in your belly.
It was gross.
But you were nice to me by eating couches.
So I could sit on it.
And you ate tvs,
So I could watch wrestling.
It was cool.
I didn’t want to come out because nobody told me what to do.
and what post would be complete without a pic?!
Wrestling Days should never end