

kids say the darndest things...

we had so much fun this weekend! we went to a movie, got a treat and went somewhere else ultra cool. i'll share those later. for now, here are some awesomesauce things my kids have said to me.

i used to keep a little word document with all the hilarious stuff the kids say. i swear, someday when i write my life story there will be a chapter specifically designated to the gut wrenching things that come out of their mouths. here are some that i have saved...

End of August 2010.

Me…ian, do you have hugs for me?
Ian…no mommy I left them in the mountains.
Me…well then we’ll have to go back and get them.
Chloe…mommy, I left your hugs and kisses at disney world.

- clever of her huh?

bailey to me while getting my camera out to take a pic of him on the first day of middle school…(the stalker lens was on) “oh, you’re busting out the big guns huh?”

- poor kid.

and lastly this is from bailey. weird for sure. i'm not sure when this was but it was in his wrestling days so it must have been 2005/2006.

I remember being in your belly.
It was gross.
But you were nice to me by eating couches.
So I could sit on it.
And you ate tvs,
So I could watch wrestling.
It was cool.
I didn’t want to come out because nobody told me what to do.

and what post would be complete without a pic?!


Photoshop Actions

one of my dear friends has some photoshop actions she's made. i've been meaning to get them forever and ever. i just kept forgetting. life is so busy! i finally got around to purchasing them and she is so stinkin' sweet that she sent a note back with my money telling me that they were an engagement gift. if i could hug her through the computer, i would. so i finally have them and just yesterday got a chance to play with them. here are some examples of the before and afters. these were just very quick plays....they could be much more awesome if i put a little effort into them. if you're looking for some kick butt actions, head over to

you wont' be sorry! :)















and there you have it. deliciously lovely action by the lovely jude. :)


pictures from you...

i used to live on flickr. not so much now but i still go on a few times a week. i have a set of photos on there called "pictures from you". they are collections of all the pictures that i've made "favorites". i'd like to share a few with you today cause they rock. :)

My absolute addiction.

Pictures From You 4

Fabulous, daaahling.

Thanks all!  Again....

if i owned a polaroid....i'd rock it!

but alas, i don't. so i used the poladroid program to make the pics i took with my dslr into fake polaroids. love them. here are a few mostly sans people. or at least people i know. some fun artsy ones if i do say so myself. :)

you can download the program here....

it's super easy. you just drag your photos and drop them on top of the cute little polaroid camera. :)

i may have *overshared*. just a bit. ;)

this last one is just so cute. :)


Cupcake Charlie's

My favorite all time cupcake store (maybe because it's the only one i've been to) is cupcake charlie's. their cupcakes are super yummy and super pretty. here are some of my favorites.

Cupcake Charlie's

Cupcake Charlie's
this is the orange dreamsicle. :) it has the yummiest cream inside of it. so good!

Cupcake Charlie's

Cupcake Charlie's
this is the lemon. the flavor is so light and fluffy. huge favorite!

Cupcake Charlie's

Cupcake Charlie's
and finally, the funfetti. this one is for lisa. funfetti is her all time favorite cupcake/cake ever.

these were all taken on my dashboard for the yummy dashboard light. that and the fact that they didn't last all that long. ;)

The Disney Video

some of you know that we surprised the kids with our disney trip.  they had no clue.  we told them one hour before we were to leave the house.  this is the video.  don't mind the awful focus.  it was my first video on the new camera.  lol.

my favorite parts, when Ian asks for his pancakes cut and syrup put on them and when Bailey cries over the airplane.  :)

Disney Day Three

i had posted some pics from day one and two before.  here's some from day three.  :)  day three was my day with jen.  we went to universal and i finally got to go to hogwarts.

we started the day off with a trip to one of the happiest places on earth.  ;)

a wide view of the hulk....yes we went on it.  yes, i'm too old for it.  lol.

the entrance to hogwarts.  hogwarts made universal the second best theme park next to disney.  so awesomesauce.

the castle was gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

jen and i!  :)

an artisticy pic of the castle



i was afraid of butterbeer.  i hate beer.  despise it.  i asked the woman what it tasted like and she told me it was reminiscent of shortbread cookies and buttersotch....omg....sign me up!

the roasted potatoes were heaven

LOVE the crooked chimneys  :)