
{all about me}

*I am a mom to four awesome kids.
*I have the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for.
*She is the love of my life.
*I am addicted to coffee.
*I like going for walks.
*I like reading.
*I love Sudoku...and I'm good at it.
*I nac lleps sdrawkcab...htiw on smelbrop.
*I can tell you that it says I can spell backwards.
* I do enjoy working at Target.
*I think Netflix is a wonderful thing.
*I like Fall the best out of all the seasons.
*I despise laundry.
*I despise dishes more.
*I wish to become a (paid) photographer.
*I think I'm pretty good at it.
*I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was little.
*Now I don't know what I want to be.
*I know how to sew and crochet.
*I love tv.
*I make baby blankets.
*I make a mean cake.
*I like the color purple best.
*I love being pregnant.
*I want to be a gestational carrier.
*I like Italian food.
*I don't like peas...but I'll eat them if you make them.
*I have grey hair...lots and lots of them.
*I dye cover the grey!
*I have good friends that make me happy.
*I feel much older than 30 something.
*I was born on Groundhog's Day.
*I love Grey's Anatomy.
*I believe I am a genuinely good person.
*I do not like feet. {unless they are cute baby feet}
*I can type pretty fast.
*I am an awesome speller and often get angry at people who don't spell well.
*I don't care for pets.
*I only like even numbers.
*I eat skittles in order of my least favorite to most favorite flavors.
*I do not like yellow or purple candy.
*I love Fraggle Rock.
*I have asthma.
*I wonder if you are still reading this.
*I love to play poker...although I'm not very good
*I should be in bed.
*I like living in Onset.
*I like to take family photos on a self timer.
*I think I'm pretty funny although the jury's still out.
*I find accents very sexy.
*I like Cinnabons.
*I have not had a Cinnabon in at least a year.
*I do not like stupid or mean people.
*I despise bad coffee.
*I despise people who drink bad coffee more.
*I am addicted to Flickr, FB, CM and ILP
*I am really tired.
*I am positive that you are not still reading this. ;)
*I am thankful to have a handful of really good friends.
*I really love working but am torn while I am there.
*I am missing important parts of my babes lives while at work.
*I am a certified Starbucks Barista.
*I can now make a mean latte.
*I am now certified to apprehend people, so don't steal at my store.
*I think it might be awkward.....just sayin'.