

{Snuggle Wuggles}

Our babe is going to be five next month.  Does that mean she's not quite a babe anymore??  As we were cuddling this morning, or snuggle wuggles as we've started calling it, it hit me.  "It" being the fact that she won't want to cuddle with me soon.  She's growing up.  Sure the other kids still snuggle with me but it's not a daily need like it is for her.  Soon she won't be small enough to curl up on me.  She won't be able to sit on my lap when I'm at the computer and rest her chin on my shoulder to watch TV.  She'll just physically be too big.  Soon she won't want to pretend that she's my baby kitty and that I'm her mommy kitty.  She won't nuzzle my face with her cheek and Meow.  My heart breaks for that day but at the same time, I'm excited to see the big girl that she's becoming.

For now, I'm going to snuggle wuggle as much as I can.



{Thank you to Ian Matthew for getting these great shots for me that were taken on Mother's Day while we snuggle wiggled.}

{This post was typed up months ago….oops.}


Insta-Friday (7/18/14}

It seems like once every couple of month I post what we've been doing lately with a few Instagram pics.  But you know what?  That's all I've got right now.  So here's what we've been doing lately.

#dailystatuepose started last summer.  I believe.  Every time we leave the house they stop and "pose" for me.  It's epically perfect.

Chloe and my handsome nephew at our Fourth of July celebration.
#happy4th but really the 5th. #latergram


I've been slowly trying to get back into working on my fitness.  I'm blessed that we live in such a gorgeous area.
It was a beautiful morning for a walk. #quintessentialfatgirl
#dailystatuepose with a side of oatmeal {oh and notice the finger point}
Yeah she's rocking a bowl of oatmeal.  #dailystatuepose

I cooked on the grill by myself for the first time recently.  This is HUGE for me.
I grilled last night.  I'm 34.  It was the first time I'd ever done it on my own.  #latergram

#latergram #dailystatuepose

I finally have my gold card from Starbucks.  I can't believe I'm just doing this.  Free stuff?  Yes please!
My @Starbucks gold card came today!   Happy dance!

BEST shirt ever.  Totally got it.  ;)
Best shirt ever.  #target

We did starts and stripes for the kids toes on the Fourth.
Red white and blue toes for the Fourth. #latergram

#dailystatuepose with a side of popcorn.
On our way to the movies. #dailystatuepose

This is amazing. Go get it.  Now.
This is amazing.  #archerfarms #targetnerd #target

#shareacoke #coke #angela@

My babes snuggling.
My babes cuddling and watching a movie. Xoxo

This kid got a hair cut for the summer.  He looks so big!
Before and after summer haircut.

life rearranged